Nike Logo
Is this a good logo?
Published: August 27, 2024

Is this a good logo? Invariably, when I ask clients for logo examples to showcase their subjective preferences, this is one of the logos that is provided to me.

The truth is that this may be a good logo, or it may not be. When clients send it to me, it actually isn’t the logo that they like, for the most part. It’s the equity that exists within a global brand.

For instance, if this wasn’t Nike’s icon, there’s a strong likelihood that this shape wouldn’t be on anyone’s list. This is the same reason that the first time seeing your new logo may not have the same “feeling” as the famous logos you’ve always loved. Because in the beginning, the brand is devoid of equity.

Equity in your brand is one of the most powerful things you can invest in. It takes your unique icon and fills it with your feelings of trust, association, quality, efficiency, product placement, longevity, personality, and more.

This means that your logo will “look” and “feel” different than it does now, in 20 years.

This is why your brand should be the core of everything you do. Because it carries everything you’ve ever done inside of it.

Now take a look at some of your favorite brands and ask yourself. “If I don’t pay attention to the success they’ve had, is their logo truly as mind-blowing as everyone thinks it is?”

This is the value contained within your brand and why you should take it seriously.